Account Request | Funding & Hospital Information

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Hospital / Clinic

If your hospital does not appear on this list, please contact Customer Care on 01923 205167.

*Will your Hospital/Clinic be funding your order?

In some cases, it's possible for Medtronic to bill the Healthcare Provider directly.

  • Funded (NHS pay for your consumables, this can be in combination with goods paid directly by you)
    It is possible for Medtronic to directly bill your Healthcare provider. You will not be able to place a funded order until Medtronic have verified the information supplied by your Healthcare provider. To assist in this process, please enter your NHS number if available.

  • Private (Goods paid directly by you)

Under Notice 701/7 VAT Reliefs for disabled people, it is possible for a manufacturer to exclude VAT from purchases paid by individuals buying medical supplies for personal use. To enable Medtronic to apply Zero VAT a declaration must be made.

  • I would like to sign up for Medtronic's VAT Exempt Service
  • Please download the VAT Exempt request form. Details of how to return the form to us are at the bottom of the form.

    Medtronic will confirm the VAT exemption via e-mail. Any order placed before receipt of this confirmation will be charged at standard VAT rate.
